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-Postdoc, computational mechanics, computational anatomy, computational finance, computational artificial intelligence, and machine learning

-PhD, Computational Mechanics

-MSc, Computer Science

Advanced Scientific Computing

The Process of Solving Complex Problems combinated with powerful computational analysis with the goal helping the Client resolve different problems from the fields of the physical and engineering sciences, finance and economics, medical, social and biological science,etc. Develop and apply advanced information presentation and quantitative analysis techniques,constructing mathematical models...and using Al- gorithms and mathematical methods used in computational science.

Freelance Software Engineering that deals with the development of finite element analysis, structural dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, computational thermodynamics, computational solid mechanics, fusion simulations, Computational particle physics, discrete event and Monte-Carlo simulations, computational electromagnetics, semiconductor modeling, simulation of microelectronics,molecular mechanics simulations, computational chemistry, vehicle crash simulation, biomechanics, computational neurological modeling, modeling of biological systems , plasma modeling, cosmological simulations,climate research, Computational geophysics and more.

Business,Private,etcetera Computing

With the aim of the discipline of software engineering,new development, prototyping, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance,the development of the software product will particularly meet specific needs of a specific client/business(wide range of modern business environment and/or the desired software for private,etc uses)...With technical skills and business knowledge, the technical solutions for business challenges will Deliver the Desired computing professional for tomorrow's business.With years of experience in providing software solutions for particular customer and with careful consideration of your individual needs and progression,the software products will perform various business/private functions accura-tely.Independent variable software/application will also support Business performance management ,Data mining, Reporting software,Online analytical processing,business intelligence dashboards,complex infrastructure ,cloud-based applications ,Security Target , database management system and additional individual desires.

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